Sarah Palin

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Sarah Palin: Vice President

Can America ask for anything more?

Governor Sarah Palin – All American, Independent, Business Woman, Mother, Maverick, Leader, Athlete, and the list goes on and on … If Americans thought Senator Obama’s Democratic nomination was historic – Move over Obama – and make room for Governor (and future VP) Sarah Palin. She’s breaking ground, and doing so, in a major way!

American voters have been presented the opportunity to really ‘change’ our country for the better – and in a huge way – not change (nickels and dimes) in our pockets, but a DIFFERENCE. A Real Difference, for the better.

She IS shattering that glass ceiling Sen. Hillary Clinton almost attained. 

Talk about perfection in politics and Governor Palin is sure to come to mind – first. Winging her speech, due to a broken teleprompter, only proves her competency and capability; with words [spoken] being those of her own mind, not that of a speech writer.
This pit bull, soccer mom in lipstick, not only took on the issues – she gave straight, clear cut answers. That’s something refreshing when it comes to politics. Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin, not only captivates the listen, she hears and listens to what the people want and need!
Wolf Blitzer, with CNN said, “It wasn’t just a home run, it may have been a grand slam.”
And NBC’S Tom Brokaw said, “A very auspicious debut.”
Jeff Greenfield, with CBS said, “Perfect populist pitch.”
Chris Wallace (Fox), Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer (CNN), all agree on one thing: “A Star is Born.”
I have to agree with my fellow ‘great minded’ reporters. Governor Palin is the brightest light at the end of that dark tunnel. She is refreshing and just what the doctor ordered for our Great Country. She truly represents what this country was founded on and what this country needs. She is the salve to heal the current wounds of our economy, environment, foreign affairs, and so much more.

Anyone who viewed her speech, could only be left with the conclusion: Obama is ‘paling’ in comparision to Palin. And Senator Obama has shown just how scared and intimidated he is (and rightly so) when it comes to Governor Palin. If I didn’t know better, I would think Obama was running against her (Palin), not Senator John McCain.

Senator Obama wasted no time in attacking Governor Palin and her background. I would have to say, this time, his antics have backfired in a big way. Maybe this will give Senator Obama good reason to learn some impulse control techniques, which he is clearly lacking. 

Senator Obama’s launched attacks towards Gov. Palin solidifies the answer to who is more qualified; and Obama’s obvious inability to focus his attention on the issue at hand or even what the issue is, has left him in a dust cloud. Yes, Senator Obama, you should be scared … very scared! Standing side by side – Gov. Palin (A Pit Bull in lipstick) is not one to be intimidated by a formidable opponent, much less by rhetoric and cliche’ promises. Governor Palin is the “force to be reckoned with” and I predict, “she will be the next Vice-President” only to be over-shadowed by her future as President of the United States.

September 4, 2008 - Posted by | 1, Hot Topics, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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