Sarah Palin

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Bail Out Bill Defeated

Word just out, the bail out bill couldn’t get the necessary votes to pass. As the Dow started its plung this morning, the defeat of this bill finds the Dow in a continued downward plunge.

The question now is where do we go from here? Will they send it back to the house? Will they take it before the Senate? That’s still up for debate. What we do know at this point? The market is down 500 points, the credit market is frozen, investors are looking for something safer elsewhere.

What we don’t know is where the average American is left dangling.

Many will blame the republicans for this mess, many more already have; but to those, again I would have to ask them “who holds the majority seats the past two years?” And, “Wasn’t it two years ago that our economy started to fall apart?” Because it sure isn’t the Republicans!

September 29, 2008 - Posted by | 1, Hot Topics, Politics | , , ,

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